Wednesday, January 6, 2010

T. Jarod Martin, In Memoriam

IMG_1529 Many of you who read this blog have either met or heard me talk about Jarod. If you haven’t already heard, and I hope this isn’t how you’re hearing about this, Jarod passed recently after a long battle with many illnesses.

It’s times like this that I wish I had Jarod’s eloquence. Jarod wrote great poetry that he proudly displayed through his house and work. Jarod would know how to write a perfect poem to express his feelings at this moment.martin0-R1-012-4A

It’s times like this that I wish I had Jarod’s gift with words. Jarod read constantly, devouring books like no person I had ever met before. He had a very large vocabulary as a result, which might have been the thing he was most proud of – just ask him, he’d tell you. Jarod would know what to say at this moment.

martin0-R1-046-21A It’s times like this that I wish I had Jarod’s sense of humor. It was biting at times, sometimes inappropriate, but it always made you laugh. Jarod would know what joke to tell at this moment.

It’s times like this that I wish I had Jarod’s love of nature. It feels like the passing of a good friend is the perfect time to venture off and reflect for a few days; to be by one’s self and take inventory of one’s life. Jarod would know the perfect spot to commune with nature.Jeff and Jarod

It’s times like this that I wish I had Jarod’s heart. Jarod often said he didn’t make friends easily, but the ones he did he treasured. When he did open up, you knew you were being let in on something special. Jarod would know how to comfort at this moment.

It’s times like this that I wish I still had Jarod around.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Just sad. A lovely tribute.